Tuesday, November 17, 2009


I really wanted to do a Thanksgiving craft with my baby and her play group, but they are still a little young for craft projects. The solution? Turkey hand print cards! These turned out great and were very quick and easy to do with babies. This is such a classic project that I think babies and kids of all ages would enjoy it.

To make the turkey, paint your baby's fingers each a different color. Here I did yellow, orange, red, and green. Then paint their palm and thumb brown. Open their little hand up and stamp it onto the front of a card. It helped some of the babies to say "hi" because then they would automatically open their hand to wave. After you have your little one's hand print, then you paint the turkey's red gobbler and orange beak. Use a skinny brown marker to add some little turkey feet and glue a little eye on. Once the front is all dry write your baby's name and year on the back and drop them in the mail to Grandma and Grandpa!


Jen @ lil Mop Top said...

Those turned out great! I made some with John on Sunday and had planned to send them out as cards. Great minds think alike! :) well, my mind must be not as great b/c we turned out with blue and red turkeys! Maybe I will make new ones...